Wednesday, September 24, 2008

East Coast Adventure

To my five or six loyal readers :) -- Sorry to have been out of touch! We've been traveling and now readjusting to West Coast time.

Here are a couple photos from of our beautiful East Coast adventure. There is no place I'd rather be in September than New England!

These two pics were taken at the Parker River Refuge on Plum Island. I've posted a few more on flickr. I'm hoping to work on fixing up the layout of the blog and to add some new features over the next week or so. As always, thanks for reading!
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Mon Petit Lapin said...

yey I'm glad your back in touch! Hope your having a great time travelling and look forward toseeing your spruced up blog!

Mon Petit Lapin said...

Haha thanks for your lovely comment it made me laugh - bionic woman? Far from!! Blogging is a great revision procrastination technique ;) But thankfully all thats over with now! I hope you are doing well?x