Monday, July 14, 2008

No-bake strawberry pie and my favorite new kitchen tool

Here is a link to the no-bake strawberry pie that I've been raving about. It's pretty easy as-is, but I skimped even further and used store-bought graham cracker crust. I also eliminated the whipped cream topping. Mike had one piece and I ate the rest for breakfast, dinner, and dessert! (Hmm... No wonder that "baby weight" is still hanging around!) I'm also featuring a photograph of my favorite new kitchen tool, the tomato huller. It cost a ridiculous $12.00 at Sur La Table, but I've used it all spring to quickly remove the tops of strawberries. I also know that we'll get a lot of use out of it in the next couple months, as tomato season is upon us! I like my huller's sturdy look and attractive wooden handle, but I just looked on Amazon and you can get a less fancy one for $3.27. I'm sure it will work just as well.

The showiest things growing in our garden right now are these perfect petite sunflowers. I like them so much that this morning Noodlebug and I planted some more seeds for a fall harvest.


Unknown said...

can't wait to try the pie. i love the bag! you are so fabulous!

Trip said...

Really Brooke---How do you do it? No, seriously. Watch out Martha Stewart!
